Comply with daily time recording with


Our online platform allows you to use the digital data from the driver cards to comply with the legal obligation to keep a daily workday record for all your employees.

You will be able to automatically obtain, save, print or present the working day records of your mobile workers.

It will also allow your human resources department or your manager to obtain accurate information about your employees’ working hours, overtime or night work.

All this on the basis of the collective agreement applicable in each case.

fich@ is a technologically advanced solution specially designed for activities involving mobile workers.


Category: Labor
Solution: Plataforma
Orientated to: Companies with workers in mobility
Requirements: JAVA 8.01
Last update: 12/03/2021

Contract at:

Download and data hostage

fich@ will keep your data for a period of four years. Our data hosting system guarantees a safekeeping service, operational 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

This tool is compatible with all peripherals and remote download systems.